Member-only story

Elevating Sexual Intercourse


Humans are the only species capable of manifesting love through sexual intercourse. All other species copulate for reproductive reasons driven by evolution.

Too many people seem totally unaware of the fact that having sexual intercourse entails infinitely more than just temporary physical pleasure. This could very well be one of the greatest tragedies of human civilization in its endless and foolish pursuit of immediate gratification.

Putting aside all the sexually transmitted diseases -as if these alone were not enough to make people think twice about having sex with anyone- reducing sexual intercourse to a mere act for immediate gratification, as portrayed so often by Hollywood, not only degrades our humanity, but also subjects us to the law of diminishing marginal satisfaction/utility, namely, the more we have of something, the less satisfaction/utility we derive from it and, therefore, the more we “need” and so on, in a downward spiral.

Having sex for immediate gratification may be compared to gulping fast food.

Whereas making love may be compared to having a lavishly delicious dinner, enjoying and savoring each and every bite with a great wine.

If we only realized that during sexual intercourse we have the power of creating life… or destroying it, we would, perhaps, give it just a little…



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