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What Is Religion?


What is the meaning of ‘Religion’? Latin religare ‘to bind.’ Religion binds us to God.

Do you really understand what is it that you are bound to? Or why you are bound to God? What is the foundation of your binding, that is, who was the very first person that chose to be bound to God?

Many people called themselves Christians, yet they do not follow the church of Christ. Jesus Christ was very clear when he told Simon “You are now ‘Petrus’ (meaning Rock) and upon you I will found my church.” Therefore, the church that Jesus Christ founded is the Roman Catholic Church.

All other churches were created by men who had their particular interests, most notably, Henry the Eight, who wanted to have his own church, henceforth, the Church of England.

The very first priests where Jesus’ disciples. The foundation of the Holy See in the first century by Saints Peter and Paul, by virtue of Petrine, also known as the primacy of Peter who has authority delegated from Jesus to rule over the entire Church, is the focal point of communion, the eucharist, rite instituted by Jesus Christ during the Last Supper which is the source and summit of Christian life.

All religions are supposed to guide us towards God, and although they have a variety of ways to do so, the Roman Catholic Church follows the path set forth by Jesus Himself. As opposed to all other religions, the Roman Catholic religion offers an abundance of means to give glory to God through all the sacraments, in addition to the intercession…



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